Ehrenfelder Abendmusiken

Die Seite rund  um die Kirchenmusik an der Versöhnungskirche

John Dowland (1563-1626)
- Come again, sweet love
- White as lilies
- Weep you no more
- Come, heavy sleep

Peter Philipps (1560-1628)
- Amarilli di Julio Romano

John Bennet (1575-1614)
- Weep o mine eyes
- Come, Shepherds, follow me
John Farmer (1570-1601)
- Fair Phyllis
John Ward (1571-1638)
- A Satyr once did run away
Francis Pilkington (1665-1638)
- Rest sweet nymphs

William Byrd (1543-1623)
- Pavane CLXXIV

John Ward
- My breast I'll set
William Lawes (1602-1645)
- Charon, oh Charon
Thomas Weelkes ( 1576-1623)
- Hence, Care
Thomas Weelkes
- O care

Edward Johnson (1572-1601)
- Johnsons Medley

John Dowland
- Time stands still
- Rest awhile
- Tell me, true love
John Danyel (1564-1626)
- Eyes look no more
John Dowland
- I saw my Ladye weepe

Martin Peerson (1572-1650)
- The Fall of the Leafes

John Wilbye (1574-1638)
- Alas! What a wretched life
John Dowland
- Now, o now, I needs must part

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